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The Quieter You Become… July 30, 2006

Posted by TimTheFoolMan in Communication, Reflections.
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…the more you can hear.


Words come easily to me; sometimes too easily. Today is a day for me to close my mouth, open my ears, and just listen.

“The Food is Great, But Hard to Find” July 29, 2006

Posted by TimTheFoolMan in Food, Fun, Humor, Seafood, Stupidity, Travel.

No matter where you live, it seems there is always an out-of-the-way restaurant or eating establishment that is famous with the locals, but virtually invisible to outsiders. In fact, they can be so well hidden that you may start to believe that they don’t exist.

Captain Scott's Lobster Dock

Arthur Ashe once said, “Success is a journey, not a destination.” Mr. Ashe must not have spent several hours looking for seafood in Connecticut. (more…)

Ready to Talk Like a Pirate? July 21, 2006

Posted by TimTheFoolMan in Fun, Humor, Stupidity.

September 19th is “Talk Like a Pirate Day.”

My pirate name is: Bloody Tom Flint
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it’s the open sea. For others (the masochists), it’s the food. For you, it’s definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you’re hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you’re easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.;part of the fidius.org network

The Social Effects of Going Topless July 19, 2006

Posted by TimTheFoolMan in Cars, Friends, Technology.

No, I didn’t suddenly begin flaunting my ghostly white skin and tormenting the locals without polarized sunglasses. “Topless,” in this regard, means driving around with the top down in a convertible.


In a convertible, I’m out in the open, exposed to the world as I drive along. Is this a good thing? (more…)

Able to Keep a Stable Label? (Part 1: Questions) July 18, 2006

Posted by TimTheFoolMan in Friends, identity, Morality, Parenting/Children, Politics, Religion, Self-Worth.
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Lately, I’ve been asking myself an odd question: What defines who I am? In other words, what single label best applies? Am I a Baptist? A Coach? A Republican? A Liberal? A Christian? A Father? A gun-toting, Bambi-shootin’, baby-spankin’, football-coachin’, church-goin’, pun-lovin’ fool?


Depending on who you ask, I might be any one of these (or something much less pleasant). Why is it that we have such a strong tendency to put labels on people, and why does this seem to be more of an issue in our current society than in years past? Does the label used to identify me also define me?